LMBV's historic Freieslebenschacht mine in the copper slate mining district.

In the Freiesleben shaft, which is operated by the Lausitzer und Mitteldeutsche Bergbau-Verwaltungsgesellschaft (LMBV), a new power cable and a control cable had to be installed and the old cables subsequently removed. Of course, replacing the cable in a shaft in accordance with the German Federal Mining Act is not as easy as on the railroad slab.

First of all, together with our colleagues from THYSSEN SCHACHTBAU GMBH, we drew up a concession document consisting of a complex compilation of planning documents relating to mechanics, electrics and technology. Once this had been confirmed by the mining authorities, the cable brackets, i.e. the components that hold the cables in the shaft, were manufactured. The brackets were then installed, the new cables fitted and the old cables dismantled.

For us as specialists in mine rehabilitation, this is of course everyday work. However, there were a few conditions that were very special here:

  • Construction in an existing historic mine
  • Accessibility of the cables partly only from the drive center
  • 400 kg maximum load on the cage, whereby the cable weight alone was 200 kg

An absolute highlight was the wooden headframe, which makes every mining fan's heart beat faster.

We would like to thank the LMBV for the wonderful cooperation! We also have the greatest respect for the team around Alfred Geers for their high-quality and accident-free work!



Pictures Christian Kortüm

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