Collieries Zollverein, Amalie, Concordia.

The Zollverein site, with its two pits 2 and 12, is being converted by us as part of the mine water concept. The concept provides for the conversion to a so-called reserve site. This means that, if necessary, it will be possible to raise mine water at Zollverein.

For this purpose, both shafts will be converted into a well operation and equipped with casing pipe technology. The annular space will be filled with concrete to ensure that mine water can be pumped out through the casing pipes using submersible pumps.

After the explosion-proof closure of the Zollverein mine took place at the beginning of 2023 and Shaft 12 went directly into regular backfilling (approx. 1000 m depth), Shaft 2 had to be equipped with extended conveyor technology for a regular backfilling rhythm.

Specially designed foundations and rope sheave displacements had to be constructed and manufactured for the construction of the so-called Sedrun winch. The winch was founded on a displacement frame in order to meet the heavy requirements of the hook load. The winch was erected on site in collaboration with our subsidiary OLKO-Maschinentechnik. This meant that all components such as the winch frame, drum, brakes, hydraulics, two motors and two gearboxes could be assembled and commissioned on site. After several extensive inspections by the DMT experts and the assembly of the cage, the system could be put into operation. This was the starting signal to begin regular backfilling at the Zollverein 2 shaft.

Sedunwinde - a monster

The current project planning envisages completion of the backfilling of the two shafts in March 2025. This will be followed by work to dismantle the constructed facilities. In addition, around 65 tons of listed components were dismantled for the overall project and stored for reinstallation.

At the Amalie site, work was resumed after a one-and-a-half year break due to lengthy planning and approval procedures. In order to continue backfilling, the winch and shaft technology had to be extensively modified. Close and interdisciplinary cooperation was essential for the successful completion of this work. After regular backfilling began in October, the plan is to complete backfilling in the fall of 2025.

WH location Amalie after conversion to phase III

The Concordia site was handed over to the client in October following our successful conversion into a security site. This makes WH Concordia the first site to be completely converted by us.
Team of the WH Concordia site

The conversion of the Hünxe, Lohberg, Friedlicher Nachbar, Carolinenglück, Heinrich and Robert Müser sites is currently being planned. We are currently carrying out extensive maintenance work at the sites, in addition to regular management, and are ensuring the safe operation of the shafts and mine buildings.

In addition to carrying out the work safely, we place great importance on team building. For the second time, we therefore took part in a team-building activity in the Haltern climbing forest.

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Real teamwork

As in previous years, the work could only be successfully completed thanks to the dedication, motivation and daily commitment of the employees. The challenges were met with professionalism, solidarity and perseverance. Each and every one of our employees made a significant contribution to our success!

We would like to thank them for this and at the same time call on them to continue working together for the company's success!

With thanks and a hearty “Glückauf”!

Christian Emmerich und Michael Bork